Community Resources

Physical and Mental Health

Cornell Health Physical and mental health services as well as resources on a large variety of health related topics

Especially for... Navigating Cornell Health resources as a new student, an international student, a student of color, LGBTQ+ students, and more.

FSAP (Faculty, Staff Assistance Program) Free and confidential guidance and support addressing issues that may be affecting personal lives and/or job satisfaction or performance.

CMM (Cornell Minds Matter) Promotes overall mental and emotional health of all Cornell students.

EARS (Empathy, Assistance and Referral Service)  EARS provides training, workshops, and outreach to promote mental health, well-being, and help-seeking among the Cornell campus community.

CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) Provide crisis intervention, brief counseling, outpatient psychiatric care, outreach, and referral services to Cornell University students.

Bystander Initialtives (expansion of Notice and Respond)  Information pertaining to helping other in distress. ​

Let’s Talk Provides easy access to informal confidential consultations with counselors from Gannett Health Services.

Suicide Prevention and Crisis Center

Alcohol and Drug Recovery

Diversity and Inclusion

Report a Bias Incident: To report a non-emergency harassment, discrimination or bias incident

SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault – Response and Education) Information to the Cornell community about sexual harassment, assault, gender discrimination and other related forms of violence.

Postdocs Resources from the Cornell University Office of Postdoctoral Studies.

Veterans and Military Resources

Religious Accommodation FAQ’s

Disability Resources

Student Groups

Cornell University Diversity and Inclusion Resources to various offices and programs for diversity

Family/Work Life Balance
